Thursday, May 15, 2008

Crystal Castles

Drama time.

Creative Commons and Chip Music Theft
It's recently come to light that Crystal Castles, a Toronto-based band, has been heavily sampling music from several chip music artists without obtaining permission or crediting them. Lo-bat's tracks Bibibi and Tizzy, from his 8bitpeoples release Game Boy, are just two instances of this.

As you may have noticed, we release all our music under a Creative Commons BY-NC-ND License here at 8bitpeoples. What this means is that you're free to share it however you like, with whomever you like. All we ask in return is that you credit it appropriately, do not use it for any commercial purposes, and obtain permission before creating any derivative works (such as remixing it or using it as the soundtrack for a video). Crystal Castles has violated every term of this license in their use of Lo-Bat's music. Furthermore, they have committed copyright infringement by sampling other artists such as Covox, whose drums from his song Sunday appear in no less than four Crystal Castles songs.

...and it goes on.

For shame Crystal Castles, for shame.

A more in depth article
Linky created digital music

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